Have you ever written something and thought “that is just right.” then forgot to push the save button and so all your hard work was lost? That just happened to me…lets try this again.
As a homeschool mom I am always looking for ways to assess what my children are learning. I am not a fan of the typical assessment tools however. Some of them have there place but as a general rule I like to be creative in my use of assessment.
One thing I like to keep an eye on is my children’s reading comprehension. What are they remembering/retaining from the books we read. Right now it is mostly read alouds but as they each learn to read (at their own pace I might add, that is another post for another day) then I will want to know what they retain from their personal reading.
“What about book reports?” you ask, I definitely think book reports have there place and I plan to use them occasionally but I hated them as a student and I think because of that they lost much of their usefulness for me. I was more focused on how much I didn’t want to do the book report rather than how good the book I read was. That being said, I think it is important that students know how to do a good old fashioned book report so my kids will do a few, don’t worry.
I love Read Aloud Revival! One of my favorite things I have taken to heart from Sarah MacKenzie is the idea of creating a book club culture. I did the master class on this (highly recommend!) but you can also listen to the podcast. This idea really resonates with me and it is something I want to be intentional about in my home and in my homeschool.
In an effort to be intentional I started compiling a list of creative, fun, ideas that would accommodate different learning styles. I share that list with you today! I am sure this list will be something I constantly add to as I learn from other moms and even my own kids. If I update the list I will update it here too. Also, I haven’t put links to the various places where I got the ideas simply because I don’t remember. Some of the ideas are my own and none of them are ground breaking enough to be copyrighted but I apologize for not having links to share.
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