Subscription boxes have been around for a while but we still seem to love them. Really, why wouldn’t we? It is like a monthly birthday present of neat products to try. Yay for presents every month! I highly recommend a subscription box as a way to learn more about non-toxic beauty options. Whether you are just starting out or have been into clean beauty a long time getting a box with product each month keeps things fresh and helps you discover new brands you didn’t know existed. This post is designed to help you choose which box is right for you.

Petit Vour is the most affordable of the subscription boxes. $45-$60 worth of product for $15-$18 a month. There is typically 1-2 small full size products (think a mascara or eyeliner) and the rest are either travel size or samples. 3 months of Petit Vour was gifted to me as a Christmas gift and I have really enjoyed it. I was unsure whether I would like the samples but so far I haven’t been disappointed. I love that it is a mixture of skin care as well as makeup. A few other perks…
~You can earn PV money to spend on more product by reviewing the items in your box.
~You get a discount on full size product through the PV website.

Art of Organics Clean Beauty Box is another personal favorite. This was my very first introduction to non-toxic beauty subscriptions and I LOVED it. I chose this box first because it has all full size products and they are themed. One month may be all about hair, the next may be summer skin etc. This box gives you a great introduction to some beautiful brands in skin care. I like that I was getting mostly skin care and not makeup because I am more likely to try out a makeup I have never used than I am a skin care product. You have to know yourself though, you may be different. As with any subscription, the more months you buy, the less they will cost. This box gives you 2-3 full size products for $37.95-$41.95. The boxes I received ranged from a value of $80-$100+
If you decide you want to purchase more product, you get 15% off via their website.

Detox Market is a great website for green beauty and they also have the Detox Box. This box features a different brand each month. They guarantee that the retail value of the products will be at least $90 and most months the box contains 3 products. This box is on my list to try. I love that they give you several products from one brand so you can really get a feel for them and what they offer. With each box you earn detox points to spend on product on the detox market website. This box ranges from $39.95-$55 (that last price is if you were to purchase month to month)

Another more budget friendly option is Goodbeing (formerly Goodebox). This box is a little different in that it is a personalized box. Each month 4-5 items are sent to you ranging from full size to sample. These items have been picked specifically for you based on information given when you subscribed. There is also a monthly “pick a product” option that allows you to actually choose 1-2 products that will be sent. Subscribers receive an email with information and instructions on how to pick. If you don’t want to pick or forgot to check your email, they will just send you a product based on your profile. As a subscriber you get 20% off purchases on their website. Goodbeing has a beauty and a lifestyle option so you can choose which box best fits you. Cost is $20-$24.95 depending on how long you subscribe. This one is super intriguing to me. Let me know if you try it!

Beauty Heroes is a really neat concept. They choose a product each month called a beauty “Hero” and feature it. If you are a subscriber, they send it to you. This means you get 1 full size Hero product a month (valued at $90) plus a few sidekicks to try as well. For those that get overwhelmed with options and want one thing to try at a time-this is your box! Beauty Heroes is well known and respected in the clean beauty world and they pride themselves on quality curation of product. Whats the price? Boxes range from $37.96-$42.95. As a subscriber you also get 15% off product on the BH website. I have a running list of boxes I want to try and this one is definitely on it.

Organic Bunny is a great box for those that like options. Each month you receive 6-8 medium to full size skin care and makeup products. As a bonus, sometimes lifestyle goodies are included too. Their pricing, like other boxes is paid all in one lump sum and that is how it is listed on the website (rather than being broken down by month). This box ranges from $59 for 1 month to $330 for 6 months (for those who are wondering, that comes out to $55 per month). As a subscriber you also get access to coupon codes giving you up to 30% off of more product. Their website has an extensive list of past boxes so you can really get an idea of what kind of items you will be getting.

GoOrganik is an organic make up only subscription box. If you are looking to jump into clean makeup, this may be the way to go. According to the website, each month you receive 4-5 full sized makeup products that are organic, non-toxic & cruelty free. Brands like auNaturale, Vapour, axiology, and Honeybee Gardens are pictured or featured on the website. This box ranges from $36.95-$39.95. I read several reviews of this box and overall people were pleased with the subscription. I am definitely interested in an all makeup box so this may be one I try sooner rather than later.
I hope that gets you started! I absolutely LOVE having a regular subscription box and am always sad when the subscription ends. Pamper yourself a little and get one!