It is me again…

Hey everyone,

Sorry I disappeared there for a little while. The holidays were great and provided needed time with family and I needed to be distraction free. I am also pregnant with baby #4! YAY!! and have been experiencing more sickness than I have with any of my previous pregnancies – yuck! This meant time with the toilet has taken priority over time with the blog…trust me, I would gladly have reversed the two.

Since my previous pregnancies have been relatively “easy” in the nausea department, this pregnancy has made me feel like a first time pregnant mama. I have been looking up all kind of info on how to relieve my symptoms, HG, remedies, and why it happens in the first place **spoiler – no one really knows!**

I thought I would share some of the info here for other moms who may be struggling.

Facts about Hypermesis Gravidarum: Sometimes it can feel like you have it even when you don’t and sometimes you have many symptoms (like me) but not the full amount of vomiting (praise the Lord).

  • “Hyperemesis gravidarum is a condition characterized by severe nauseavomiting, weight loss, and electrolyte disturbance. Mild cases are treated with dietary changes, rest, and antacids. More severe cases often require a stay in the hospital so that the mother can receive fluid and nutrition through an intravenous line (IV). DO NOT take any medications to solve this problem without first consulting your health care provider.”
  • The symptoms of HG usually appear between 4-6 weeks of pregnancy and may peak between 9-13 weeks, it can last the entire pregnancy but may also resolve by 21 weeks.
  • May 15th is HG Awarness Day
  • Charlotte Bronte died of HG at 5 months pregnant.
  • HG is not the same as morning sickness! As much as I like to feel sorry for myself, I can’t really compare my sickness to some of my friends that have been hospitalized with HG. I do have some of the symptoms as far as what triggers my nausea and how sensitive it is but I am not vomiting 4-5x a day everyday as many women with HG do.


Mama Natural Morning Sickness Smoothie – The protein, magnesium, potassium and other vitamins make this smoothie a great option when you aren’t feeling great. I am not saying it is a cure but it may help.

9 foods that may help relieve nausea – This is a great list!

  • Eat small meals
  • Make sure the meals you are eating are full of vital nutrients! Especially for those of us who aren’t keeping meals down, it is important that what we are eating is good. No junk food ladies!
  • Rest
  • Give yourself grace. It is not your fault.
  • Ask for help – this is not the time to be super woman. I literally had to call my sister to ask her to come to my house and change a poopy diaper because I was sick!! It is humbling and sometimes I don’t have help and have to change the diaper by the toilet so I can take care of us both! Either way there is NO shame in asking for help!
  • Be sure you have a good prenatal. 

So that is what I have been up to. In between times I have made some good recipes, started Classical Conversations and have helped with some baby showers…overall this is a good season and I have so much I want to share! Be looking for more posts soon as I (hopefully) start to feel better.

About Thara Reinitz

First things first, "how do you say your name?" Thara (like Sarah with a "TH") Reinitz (imagine a loaf of rye bread knitting a sweater- Rye knits!) I am a second generation homeschooler and now homeschool mom. I live in West Texas with my husband and three kids in our forever fixer-upper house that will one day be our dream house. A crunchy mama at heart I love learning about and living a non-toxic life. That includes gardening, backyard chickens, healthy home-made cooking, using alternative medicines and clean beauty products. I LOVE to learn and I also love to connect people with resources and other people.