summer reading 2018

I have always loved to read. Typically I am a fast reader. Pre-momhood (is that a word?)  it was not unusual for me to read a book in a weekend or even an afternoon. If the book was awesome I would happily stay up all night caught up in the story even though it meant I would walk around in a sleep deprived fog the next day. Now days I still can be found in a sleep-deprived fog but it isn’t from staying up late reading…actually, I have done that a few times recently. I can’t help myself. Mostly my sleep-deprivation is baby related and that is ok too. I love my babies and even though it is hard I am trying to learn from others and cherish this time. I know it goes by so quickly. sigh

Back to reading. I have really been trying to prioritize my own reading this year. I spend lots of time reading to my children and I love it but I think it is important that I am also spending time reading alone. Here is why…

  1. Its a good example for my kids – if I always tell them reading is great but they never see me do it they probably aren’t going to believe it.
  2. It is good for my brain!
  3. I am a teacher but I am also a student. I want to always be learning and reading is a great way accomplish this goal.
  4. It is relaxing.
  5. It is a better use of my time than TV.

I could probably think of some more reasons but that seems sufficient. To help me achieve my goal of reading more I have decided to make book lists for each season. That way I can actually see my goal instead of just arbitrarily saying “I want to read more.” My husband would remind me that this is a SMART goal. Remember in college when they taught us about SMART goals? Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time based. Dax loves SMART goals!

My summer list is a little light on the serious reading but I still wanted a mix of fiction and non-fiction.

Saturday Night Supper Club – I found this book online while looking for popular Christian non-fiction. “Denver chef Rachel Bishop has accomplished everything she’s dreamed and some things she never dared hope, like winning a James Beard Award and heading up her own fine-dining restaurant. But when a targeted smear campaign causes her to be pushed out of the business by her partners, she vows to do whatever it takes to get her life back . . . even if that means joining forces with the man who inadvertently set the disaster in motion.” I LOVE food book! In another life I would definitely have become a chef. Maybe I will one day when I have more time on my hands. For now I will just keep cooking, watching food shows and reading food books.

The Magnolia Story – I was born in Waco. My parents both went to Baylor so I feel like I have an unspoken connection with the Gaines family even though we have never met.  I have enjoyed watching  Fixer Upper for a long time but I hate being a “fan” of things so I didn’t want to read their book when it first came out. I know – dumb but it is just a part of my personality. Now that their show is over I wanted to learn more about them. I picked this one up at the library and I LOVE IT! Such an easy, enjoyable read. I could have read it all in one night but I am pacing myself. It feels like I am having a conversation with friends. If I ever meet them I am going to feel like we are already pals. Honestly, we probably already know some of the same people. It is a small world.

The Masterpiece – Francine Rivers. What more do I need to say? She is such a great author. I remember reading The Atonement Child with my mom and being challenged in my thinking about abortion for the first time. Who doesn’t love The Mark of the Lion series or Redeeming Love? Seriously, you can’t go wrong with Francine Rivers. This latest books is set in the art world and I can’t wait to read it. UPDATE: I read this in a day & a half- loved it!!

The Centurion’s Wife – This one was recommended by a good friend several years ago. She even gave it to me for Christmas a couple years ago but I am just now getting around to reading it. Another Christian non-fiction so it should be an easy read. Janette Oke is known for her Amish stories but this one is a bit different.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – I got this one on audible last year and then didn’t have time to listen to it. I like to listen to audio books while cleaning my kitchen. ““I wonder how the book got to Guernsey? Perhaps there is some sort of secret homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.” January 1946: London is emerging from the shadow of the Second World War, and writer Juliet Ashton is looking for her next book subject. Who could imagine that she would find it in a letter from a man she’s never met, a native of the island of Guernsey, who has come across her name written inside a book by Charles Lamb….”

To Be Where You Are – Jan Karon’s Mitford series is definitely on my list of favorite book series of all time. I know it isn’t life changing but it is all about life. I started reading the series when it first came out and then started again when I was pregnant with Simeon and needed some reading that wasn’t stressful. I had been reading all about pregnancy and birth and needed a rest. The characters are just delightful.  I spent my formative years living in a small town and I just love how Jan Karon makes the quirks of a small town come to life without making them seem stupid. Don’t start this book without reading the others in the series or you won’t get the full picture. This series is like old friends coming to life. I already finished this one – LOVE it!!

Sex, Jesus and the Conversations the Church Forgot – This is a non-fiction that comes highly recommended by another friend. I am told that this author has an authenticity and vulnerability that makes her book a gem. “Sex. In a world overwhelmingly obsessed with it, why is the church so silent about it? While our secular culture twists, perverts, cheapens, and idolizes sex, there are gaping holes in the church’s guidance of young people. The result is generations of sexually illiterate people drowning in the repercussions of overwhelming sin struggles.” As a parent, I struggle with the sexually charged world my kids are growing up in. I look forward to getting a godly perspective that I will of course be checking with what God’s Word has to say.

Teaching from Rest – Another audiobook, this one is almost always on sale at I have enjoyed listening to Sarah McKenzie on her podcast Read Aloud Revival and have also heard her speak at the THSC Convention. Several homeschool moms have recommended this book and I look forward to doing some dishes and gleaning some encouragement.

The Way They Learn – My mom read this when I was a teen and I remember her sharing some of the information with us at the dinner table. Even though my kids are young it is perfectly clear that they are unique with different learning styles. As their teacher I want to know how they learn best so WE can be successful and avoid frustration. Cynthia Tobias writes in an easy style and I have enjoyed reading this book.

Grab a bookmark and a yummy summer drink and happy reading!

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About Thara Reinitz

First things first, "how do you say your name?" Thara (like Sarah with a "TH") Reinitz (imagine a loaf of rye bread knitting a sweater- Rye knits!) I am a second generation homeschooler and now homeschool mom. I live in West Texas with my husband and three kids in our forever fixer-upper house that will one day be our dream house. A crunchy mama at heart I love learning about and living a non-toxic life. That includes gardening, backyard chickens, healthy home-made cooking, using alternative medicines and clean beauty products. I LOVE to learn and I also love to connect people with resources and other people.