birth stories – Felicity

I wrote this one year after Felicity was born. It looks like Haddie’s will be the same way – having multiple kids means less time for writing I guess 🙂 It is neat to go back and read the story and remember. I decided not to alter any part of it but to post it just as I wrote it 3 years ago…time flies!

Although we had a wonderful experience at the birth center in Midland, we decided to have our 2nd baby at home using the same midwives. Home, at that time was a small apartment in Lubbock. Everything was going well with the pregnancy and as I approached 39 weeks, mom and I began to talk about when she was planning to come to Lubbock. Ann was going to graduate in May and mom had a million things to do. One of the things was having my sister’s  Senior pictures taken. When mom and the kids came to Lubbock we spent the first day taking her pictures, ordering her graduation invitations and shopping. I was determined to get everything done before the baby came!

That night I had some small contractions and mom was sure that I would have the baby soon. About 3 in the morning I woke up with contractions. I started timing them and they seemed to get stronger and closer together. At around 5 a.m. I decided to wake Dax and call the midwives. I was worried that I would call them too late because I had heard several stories of moms calling too late and the midwives missing it. I texted Shanna off and on and they decided to go ahead and come to Lubbock. As soon as I got off the phone with Shanna, I knew that my labor had stopped. I had psyched myself out. Shanna and Melody got to the apt at around 7 a.m. and Shanna did a vaginal exam, I had no action (dilation or effacement)! We were disappointed but I wasn’t surprised, I knew I had stressed myself out and caused my contractions to stop. The midwives had some other clients to see and errands to run so they decided to leave their supplies and come back later. In the meantime we could try some natural methods to get things going if we wanted to. Almost immediately after they left my contractions started again. Mom and I went to Einstein’s Bagels and while there I had several contractions. I still wasn’t sure what to do; I felt like I was in the beginnings of labor but I wasn’t sure if we should do the nipple stimulation and castor oil. With her usual wisdom, mom convinced me to go ahead and try a few things because she felt sure I was in labor and thought the midwives would end up coming later in the night anyway.

At noon, after an extensive search for castor oil, I took the first dose and then did nipple stimulation with the breast pump. Within a few hours things were really picking up. I began to walk, squat, and spend time on the birth ball. Mom ordered eggplant parmesan from a local Italian restaurant because she heard that eggplant can stimulate labor. When the midwives checked me around 3 (I think) I was at 5cm. The midwives were surprised! They decided to take a nap and thought that I would probably deliver in the night. I continued to walk, do nipple stimulation and take castor oil. Simeon was being taken care of by all the Aunts and Uncle S and was going on walks with us too. A was helping time contractions and serving as doula. After a walk around the block with some strong contractions I went upstairs to use the pump again. During the pumping session with some strong contractions I realized that I was thinking to myself “I don’t want to do this anymore. Let’s just do this later. We can do this another time. I think I will just stop.” I knew that I was in transition!! I called Dax, my mom and A. I began to feel out of control. I kept thinking that I was about to lose my cool. I began to shake and moan. Dax was worried but I told him that it was normal. Thankfully Dax was able to help me relax and mom went to get the midwives. Shanna came in our room and started to check me, I told Dax “I feel like I am about to lose my cool” and Shanna said “Do you know why? You are ready to push!!” I was so happy I began to cry. They helped me move to the end of the bed and they set up the pads etc under me so that I could push. The first push happened without my participation! My body involuntarily began to push! By the second push I was ready and gave a good hard push. I was prepared to push for as long as necessary (no rushing like I did with Simeon’s birth) but it wasn’t necessary. 3 pushes, including the involuntary one, and baby was born!! I was amazed! When babies head came out I actually said “Was that the head!!?” Baby was put on my chest without us knowing the gender. The entire pregnancy I felt like the baby was a girl but we decided to wait to find out. We kept asking Shanna “what is it? A girl or boy?” Shanna said, “You find out!” We were so excited and happy to find out it was a girl! Dax and I both cried and so did Mom and A. We had two names picked out for a girl Ada Lee if she had brown hair and Felicity Ann if she had red hair. Baby girl had red hair (Dax couldn’t have been more thrilled) so Felicity Ann was the perfect name! A friend came in right after Felicity was born, she had just missed it! Simeon came in after the placenta was delivered and I was all settled (I had a lot of clotting but no tearing), he was so excited! He just loved his new sister and gave her kisses on her head. We were a family of 4! I had a great recovery and thanks to placenta encapsulation, holy basil, and rest I had a great postpartum experience.

It has taken me a year to finally write your birth story. You and Sim have kept me so busy! You are such a blessing! Sweet and sassy and you love your mama! You have always loved playing with Simeon and as you get older you get more and more attached to your Daddy. He calls you “Blue” and you love playing peek-a-boo with him. You have a sensitive spirit, a sweet smile and can be very pensive, contemplating everything around you. The first thing people comment on when they see you is your beautiful blue eyes! They are just beautiful!
I pray that you grow to love the Lord with all your heart and that you and your brother take your strong wills and turn it to walking in truth. I know that if you set your will on the Lord no one will ever be able to turn you away!
I love you so much!

About Thara Reinitz

First things first, "how do you say your name?" Thara (like Sarah with a "TH") Reinitz (imagine a loaf of rye bread knitting a sweater- Rye knits!) I am a second generation homeschooler and now homeschool mom. I live in West Texas with my husband and three kids in our forever fixer-upper house that will one day be our dream house. A crunchy mama at heart I love learning about and living a non-toxic life. That includes gardening, backyard chickens, healthy home-made cooking, using alternative medicines and clean beauty products. I LOVE to learn and I also love to connect people with resources and other people.