Khorasan (Trademark name Kamut) is an ancient grain. It has unique gluten structure and nutritional profile that allows it to be more easily digested especially by those who don’t do well with modern wheat. Fresh milling your grains gives your body the full spectrum of enzymes, vitamins, minerals etc and often allows those who previously were unable to tolerate wheat products to be able to consume those made with fresh milled wheat on a daily basis. Fresh milling also allows the baker to explore grains that aren’t found in bread on the store shelves. Many artisan bakers are attracted to fresh milling because of the amazing flavor of the bread. You just can’t find that in a loaf made with white flour. I make several loaves of this bread each week. I love the flavor combination of the Kamut and hard white wheat as well as the diversity in nutrients. Kamut has a high level of carotenoids which are powerful antioxidants. These carotenoids also give it a golden color. Take note of the differences as you mill the two types of grain.

Everyday Fresh Milled Kamut Bread
This recipe can be easily doubled or tripled once you are familiar with baking it. You can keep extra loaves in the freezer.
- 1 cup hot water
- 1/2 cup milk can be replaced with cool water for DF
- 1/3 cup oil I prefer avocado oil but you can use any neutral flavored oil.
- 1/3 cup honey
- 1 egg
- 2 tsp salt
- 1 TBS sunflower lecithin
- 1 1/2 cup fresh milled Kamut
- 3-4 cups fresh milled hard white wheat
- 1 TBS instant yeast
Mix water, milk, oil, honey, salt, egg & lecithin (this part can also be done in a blender to prevent clumps) Place liquid mixture in the bowl of a stand mixer, add half of the flour. Mix thoroughly using a dough hook. Add yeast and enough flour to make a soft dough. The dough should not stick to the sides or to your finger if you poke it. It may stick a little bit to the bottom of the bowl. Knead until smooth and elastic (about 5-6 minutes). Remove dough from mixing bowl, knead into a round ball and place in an oiled bowl. Cover with a shower cap or plastic wrap and let rise until doubled, this usually takes 45 min- 1 hour. Begin checking at 30 minutes. Once the first rise is complete, remove from bowl and shape into a sandwich loaf, place in loaf pan, cover and let rise again until almost doubled (another 45 minutes). Bake at 350F for 25-30 minutes. Let cool completely before slicing.
TIP: You can check if the loaf is done by looking at the bottom. Carefully invert pan onto a towel just enough so that you can see a portion of the bottom of the loaf. It should be a golden brown. If it is pale, place the bread back in the pan and let it continue to bake.
Check out this video for tips on how to shape your dough into a sandwich loaf. Note: You should not need additional flour to shape the dough from this recipe.