I love learning from other women, especially those that are a few steps ahead of me on this journey. Besides sitting down for a chat, reading has been a big part of how I have learned from other homeschool moms.
I am going to keep this short and sweet so you can get to reading one of these great books. Many are found on audible so listening is a great option – I love to listen to books while doing the dishes or folding laundry.
Here are a few of my favorite books on homeschooling…

For the Children’s Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay – This was the first book I read (actually I listened to it on audible) when I was getting ready to homeschool my own children. It was my introduction into the world of Charlotte Mason. This is a classic. My mom read it, if you were homeschooled your mom probably read it. It stands the test of time. For those who like learning from someone else’s story rather than a “here are the facts” approach, this is a great one.

The Call of the Wild & Free by Ainsley Arment – This is a recent read and is now my go-to recommendation for anyone thinking about homeschooling. It gives the basics of the author’s journey into homeschooling, tackles myths and philosophies of homeschooling and then ends with 5 basic tenants of “wild and free” homeschool families. For those who find the words wild and free off-putting (not all of us are into crazy kids roaming the wilderness) don’t worry, there is plenty of balance in this book. You don’t have to want to raise feral children to homeschool or to enjoy this book. There are beautiful discussions on nature, literature, childhood, and delight directed learning. Read it. (follow the link for a free chapter)

Teaching From Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakeable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie – Another one I listened to while doing my dishes. This is not really a book for those wanting to learn about homeschooling BUT you don’t have to be a seasoned homeschooler to enjoy it. There are lessons to be learned here and learning them early will save you some stress. Sarah Mackenzie writes in a very easy style and I enjoyed how real she was about her struggles and victories. The Lord convicted my heart about ways I was not resting in Him in my homeschooling. I am grateful for the homeschool moms (young and old) who are sharing what God has taught them on this journey.

Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay & Sally Clarkson – This is another “oldie” that my mom recommended I read it before we ever even started homeschooling. It is written in a more instructional style and is much longer than the books listed above but it is filled with many nuggets of truth (my copy is underlined and highlighted.) Dads may also enjoy reading this one as it includes a husband/father perspective.

8 Great Smarts: Discover and Nurture Your Child’s Intelligences by Kathy Koch – I heard Dr Koch speak at the THSC Convention several years ago and was moved by every presentation. My pencil was smoking from all my note taking. This particular talk (and book) was so powerful. Our children are smarter than just what shows up on a test or in a text book, this book really opens up your eyes to see your child (and maybe yourself) in a new way. I love how she breaks down the types of intelligences and encourages us “to make room for what we value” – SO convicting.
This list is ever growing as I continue to read and learn. What books on homeschooling do you love?