DAY 1:
We woke up feeling great today (well, most of us, Dax is still feeling a little grumpy) so we moved on to stage 3. If you are starting GAPS or thinking about starting GAPS let me tell you, hold on, stay strong and just get to STAGE 3!!! It is great! Who knew fried eggs and avocado could provide such happiness. Hopefully I am not speaking too soon when I say I feel like we are over the hump. S had to wait until tomorrow to go fully stage 3 because of his pantry capers but he did have some hard boiled eggs (which you would have thought were cupcakes they way he scarfed them down) and he has had such a fantastic attitude about it all. It is amazing to see the way our taste buds are changing (in the right direction) and things we wouldn’t have liked are now delicious and even sweet. Like frozen peas for instance. The kids are now having frozen peas as a treat! Yes, you heard that right. They are saying how delicious lacto- fermented giardiniera tastes! Had I offered these things pre-intro they would have eaten them of course, maybe even enjoyed them but not with the same relish (no pun intended but LOL) they are now.
I feel like my old self only about 7 lbs lighter (unintended but nice perk to stages 1 & 2). Dax says he has dropped 10 lbs. He has also been doing some side reading on GAPS to help answer some of his questions about die-off etc. He is now telling me things I didn’t know. I started several ferments today – garlic carrots, a double batch of salsa, goats milk yogurt, and whole grain mustard. I am super excited about that last one. I will definitely be posting about it if it goes well. I bought several new fermentation supplies on amazon.
DAY 2:
We had a great day yesterday GAPS-wise. Dax got pinkeye which isn’t fun at all but thankfully I know several good remedies. Maybe I will post about those in the future.
I have been modifying some recipes and have come up with some really yummy dishes. Seriously, we have really been enjoying stage 3. The kids are continuing to enjoy the new foods and I actually was craving soup yesterday!! I would call that a win since back in stage 2 I started to think I might never want to eat soup again. I am looking forward to being able to create more yummy dishes in stage 4 which we will probably transition to in a couple days if all continues to go well.
DAY 3:
Another good day in stage 3 land. I modified my recipe for eggs in purgatory so that it was GAPS legal-oh my goodness it was so good! Recipe soon to follow. Before starting GAPS I read that one family was going through 10 dozen eggs in a week! I thought it was insane but I am now starting to see how that could happen. My 6 & 4 year old can eat 3 fried eggs in a meal with no problem – imagine if they were teenagers! We have gone through almost 4 dozen eggs since stage 2! Note to self – stock up on eggs before GAPS Intro.
I learned something new yesterday. Did you know that skipping a menstrual cycle can be a die off symptom? I did not until the other day. I thought I might be pregnant but a test said negative I was stumped until Dax showed me “Missing a menstrual cycle is a sign of die-off, which is common in the initial stages of the GAPS Programme.” http://www.gaps.me/faqs.php
The kids and I are doing great. They definitely need 3 meals and 2 snacks a day so I have to stay on top of the dishes but otherwise back to normal.
DAY 4:
I think I am getting the hang of knowing when to change stages. In each stage I have started by feeling kind of icky, then felt better, and then started to feel kind of icky again and specifically started to feel hungry! It is during that last part that it is time to change stages. Today was that hungry day so for dinner we moved on to stage 4. All that means is that I baked a fave recipe for pumpkin bars with almond butter. It was so good! Made more so by the fact that we haven’t eaten anything with that bready texture since starting GAPS…its the little things guys. On to stage 4!
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