Pumpkin Custard

I ran across this recipe while on GAPS Intro Stage 1. With all the broths and soups we were having, the texture of this custard really hit the spot. It also makes a great first food for baby (if under 1 years old, omit the honey).  I got the idea from Raia’s Recipes  her version is super simple but so tasty. I made a few slight changes for this version. Either way its DF, GF, egg-free.

  • 2 cups pumpkin puree (you can also use butternut squash or other variety of squash)
  • 1 Tablespoon grassfed gelatin
  • 1 tsp ginger or cinnamon
  • 1 Tablespoon honey  (you can use less or more as you like)
  • pinch mineral salt

Warm the pumpkin until just hot enough for the gelatin to dissolve. I used some pumpkin puree that I had frozen, thawed, strained and then heated using the soup option on my Vitamix. Note: if using fresh pumpkin puree make sure it doesn’t have excess liquid. If using canned puree be sure you do not purchase the pumpkin pie version.

Once the pumpkin is warm, add the gelatin (preferably while the blender is running) and then add the rest of the ingredients.

Once all ingredients are combined, pour mixture into ramekins. I used various sizes and even some glass yogurt containers.

Refrigerate for several hours until cool. The mixture will cool into a beautiful custard consistency. To make it more decadent you can top with whipped cream, a honey drizzle or even yogurt. For GAPS Intro Stage 1 we have it with yogurt. My 15 month old loves it!

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About Thara Reinitz

First things first, "how do you say your name?" Thara (like Sarah with a "TH") Reinitz (imagine a loaf of rye bread knitting a sweater- Rye knits!) I am a second generation homeschooler and now homeschool mom. I live in West Texas with my husband and three kids in our forever fixer-upper house that will one day be our dream house. A crunchy mama at heart I love learning about and living a non-toxic life. That includes gardening, backyard chickens, healthy home-made cooking, using alternative medicines and clean beauty products. I LOVE to learn and I also love to connect people with resources and other people.